Before the invasion of Iraq, Almadeus Star Gioeli conducted a referendum in his hometown of Idyllwild, California (pop. 1000) to allow the community to clearly express their will as the Bush administration threatened and imminent attack on the government, nation and people of Iraq. The voter turnout for Star's election was greater than the turnout for the previous presidential election (in spite of the fact that the Riverside County Sheriffs on duty at the time, illegally disrupted the election for three critical hours and forced Star to move to a location that was less accessible). The Sheriffs were humiliated by the article and conspired to retaliate. A few days after the local newspaper printed an article about the election and police misconduct, Star was assaulted by Riverside County Sheriffs, beaten in broad daylight, falsely charged and arrested. All charges were subsequently dropped in court. The following election results will be permanently posted on this site as a monument to the true democratic process and as an indictment of the Bush administration for failing to conduct their offices in a manner that represents the will of the people, the will of the constitution or the best interests of national and international well being.

Election Results:

For ALL* Residents of Idyllwild, California

Endorsement or Not of an attack against the nation of, the governmnet of and/or people of


"I DO endorse and willingly support President Bush's intention to wage war against the government, nation and people of Iraq"...39 votes (18%)

"I DO NOT endorse and willingly support President Bush's intention to wage war against the government, nation and people of Iraq"...169 votes (78%)

Also 6 ballots unclearly marked (3%),
blank ballots (1%) and
6 ballots from non-Idyllwild residents (representing the "rest of the world"),
100% opposed to war against Iraq.

Go to the Town Crier web site

*Age, Gender, Genetics, Length of residency are not discriminated in this election.

For further information
call (951) 659-0070
or email